Expensive as it is at NZD$5 per cupcake, I cannot deny it's deliciousness!
Here's me holding up the cute box that houses the cupcake!
Annnnnd here's Rachel!
To be honest, I got overly excited because I thought the box was just too adorable.
I bought Hawkes Bay Peach.
Rachel's Tropical Mango
Yes, these pictures were taken on the road. We had about five minutes to eat them because I had to drive Rachel back to uni in time for her class! The icing was unexpectedly sweet, but it's manageable. The actual cake part also had flavouring! So even if you scrapped off the icing and only ate the cake, you could still taste the flavour it was supposed to be!
So, heartbreak cupcake is good enough to make you forget your sadness and sorrow... but for how long? Regardless, I headed off to work that evening pretty darn satisfied. OH! And They also make cakes! So you can order a whole cake to share instead of being a selfish prick and keeping the cupcake to yourself!
What I didn't expect was a quiet night at work. It was ok up until I took a dish to a customer hidden away in one of the booths in the far corners of the restaurant. I set down the dish and made the mistake of looking at the customer.
OH. MY. GOD. Most beautiful man I've ever laid my eyes upon. Seriously, he aged like fine wine. I used to think Andy Lau was comparable to wine, but no. This guy... this guy was amazing. So good looking, I felt myself go red. His girlfriend was pretty too, but whatever. The point is, he looked like he was 50 and he still looked amazing! UGH. I couldn't stop laughing because I have never been rendered shocked speechless due to someone's good looks. I have been speechless, but not so shocked that I kept laughing all night.
Our boss got curious about my sudden descent into craziness and he went to have a look at the man. He might not have agreed on how hot this man was, but he did have to agree yes, the customer did age well. The other chef disagreed and said he's not that good looking. I brushed him off. Clearly he doesn't know what he's talking about. When the customer left, another customer who saw him came rushing up to us and gushed about how HANDSOME THAT MAN WAS. I swear, he's not human. It's can't be legal for humans to be that good looking.
Anyway, that was Friday night. I also worked yesterday. Our head chef has returned from Japan. He's so in love with his new wife, it's sickening. I am so jealous. He joked that he loves his wife first and I come in second. Thanks man, thanks. Later, our conversation turned into talking about one of his friends. I asked if his friend was good looking and he replied "SORRY! He's already married!" to which I replied "so? I can be his number two!" He didn't seem to like that because he glared at me and declared "NO! I already claimed you as number two! No one else can be number two! You can choose your number one!" I should be worried over how happy that made me. Oh dear, I missed you so much! I can't wait till his wife comes to New Zealand! He'll stop gushing about her. Or maybe he'll gush even more! But at the very least, I can gush to his wife about how he gushes to me about her.
After work, I went to McDonald's to study for an hour. When I left, I forgot my wallet there! I had no idea until after work today. I panicked for a bit but when I went back there, they returned my wallet to me! THANK YOU WHOEVER PICKED IT UP AND HANDED IT IN! You saved me a lot of trouble! I'm never too worried about losing my wallet. Most of the things inside are cards and useless receipts. Cards can be replaced, it's just a pain to do so. I hardly carry any cash because I'm too poor for that. =_= I think today I spent about 3 hours studying in McDonald's.
Must add here, during work today, we have this thing called Gyutoji. It's basically beef with egg and we serve it on this hot platter on top of a fire thing. It continues cooking once it's reached the table. I was taking it to a customer and the thing tipped over and I stupidly tried to stop it with my arm. Sadly, it just continued tipping and fell onto the floor. =( Only the plate thing had fallen but the burner part which housed the fire had only tipped over. Since I had tried stopping it with my arm, the platter had been resting against my arm for a bit, followed by the fire. I didn't notice at the time, (didn't see, didn't feel) so I didn't realise and didn't cool down the area.
During my drive home, I noticed that the part of my arm was actually STILL BURNING UNDERNEATH. OMG. Not that bad but I looked at my arm and I saw a small bubble forming slowly. So I pressed it down and for a bit, the pain stopped so I was like meh. But it continued burninggggg. When I got home, I ran it under cold water and now I'm left with a faint mark. No bubble! All fine!
That's my battle scars from Nishiki. I still have a mark on my other arm from a burn I got from my job at a cafe, way back in 2008. D=
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